A little more
Play date
Offshore on the Iced Down
After three postponed dates, we finally made it to the dock on October 10, 2010. Here are a few shots I took.
Iced Down Sportfishing offers charters out of Port Aransas Texas.
Have you arrived when you get business cards?
My Home Business Site
For the last year I have been meaning to get my home business, Tom Kraft Design, off the ground. Since it is a web design endeavour, it seemed best to have a website to tell folks about me and display some of my wares.
Two weeks ago that goal was finally reached. I built my site using the Drupal Content Management Platform. It was great having the opportunity to build a production site using Drupal and now that I know what a beautiful tool it is, I will be able to offer Drupal sites to my clients.
Take a few minutes to peruse the site, Tom Kraft Design. I hope you enjoy.